Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lonegan at CPAC


Anonymous said...

If Steve's recall of the battle of Trenton in 1776 doesn't bring tears to your eyes and make you want to run from the mts. of Sussex to the beaches of Cape May like a new-age Paul Revere, you're definitely part of the problem here in NJ, and we're doomed to yet another embarassing shellacking on Nov. 3 for the Gov. and Legis.!. please, write/call/e-mail our new GOP Nat'. Chair Michael Steele, and BEG him to help us win NJ back..then, give this decent, bright and committed freedom-fighter a chance to stop us from being the laughing-stock of the country!..check out, and put on your snow boots and come meet/hear/commit to Steve, tomorrow night at 6 at Shore Casino!..

Anonymous said...

Lonegan apparently was running for Governor before 1776...

Seeing as how he was calling for a second battle of Trenton..

This is why it's best to stay away from historical analogies when one is not an expert.