Monday, March 02, 2009

Lonegan To Skip County Conventions

"Today the Lonegan for Governor campaign has decided to redirect our efforts away from the process to secure county committee “lines” – and towards linking together a network of Republican grassroots activists throughout New Jersey. If I may use a Star Wars metaphor, we are leaving behind the Empire to focus on building a Rebel Alliance.

We entered into the county committee nominating process skeptical, but made a good faith effort to play by the GOP establishment’s rules. We leave this process convinced that a gubernatorial nominee has been pre-selected.

It is no secret that the county committees of both parties are as unaccountable and often undemocratic, as they are powerful. These private bodies – made an integral part of New Jersey’s election process through Title 19 – have the power to give candidates a “thumbs up” on the official ballot through what is called the party “line.” They also have power to fill the replacement of elected officials who cannot complete their term in office. 40 percent of New Jersey’s legislators currently serving today were selected by county committees when, in most of America, they would have been elected by special election.

New Jersey’s county committees are the most powerful in America, but the State GOP tried to stop bi-partisan legislation designed to provide them with a legal framework to ensure fairness and transparency.

This legislation, called the Party Democracy Act (S-930/ A-1904), provides a few basic safeguards like requiring that county committees have a published set of rules and that these rules are available for the asking. It requires that the county committees keep a list of their members and creates a process to prevent last minute stacking of the deck prior to nominating conventions. And it requires that county committee nominating conventions are conducted by secret ballot so that people have the opportunity to vote their conscience.

Last Thursday, February 26, the Party Democracy Act was unanimously passed out of the Senate State Government Committee. Among those who have or intend to co-sponsor this legislation are Senators Diane Allen of Burlington County and Jennifer Beck of Monmouth County; Assemblywomen Amy Handlin of Monmouth County, Charlotte Vandervalk of Bergen County, and Alison Littell McHose of Sussex County; as well as Assemblyman Gary Chiusano of Sussex County.

The state GOP and most of its county chairmen oppose these reforms. Last Thursday, Senator Allen and others spoke eloquently of the harassment they have experienced at the hands of county committees. Senator Allen described these party machines and their bosses as “fiefdoms” run by individuals who “intimidate… bully… and even blackmail” in an attempt to control the process.

We agree, and conclude that it is not in the best interests of the electorate or the Republican Party to take part in any county committee nominating process until the Party Democracy Act is law.

Mayor Lonegan understands that some of his supporters will continue to try to work within the current framework. He will not discourage their efforts or boycott their requests to speak before the individual county committees to spread his plans to cut the size of government, cut taxes, and stand up for taxpayers. Steve understands that there are many good people stuck in the existing process who embrace his message as the future of the party.

Steve Lonegan supports passage of S-930/ A-1904 and calls on the other candidates for Governor to do the same."

This is a smart strategic move of the part of the Lonegan campaign as it as been obvious for months that Steve had no shot to gain support of the Republican establishment. After last year's fiasco for U.S. Senate nomination, I was surprised that the Lonegan campaign spent any resources on the conventions in the first place.

The conventions are now irrelevant except for county and legislative races where there are any.

Win or lose the nomination, Lonegan's message is important for New Jersey and for the NJ GOP to hear.

Now Chris Christie and Steve Lonegan can focus their resources (our tax dollars)on delivering their messages to the primary voters. Hopefully both sides will conduct dignified, issue oriented campaigns that will result in a nominee that NJ Republicans can rally around for the fight against Corzine and the Trenton Democratic machine come November.


Anonymous said...

Fitting that they use a Star Wars reference, same folks whogo to those conventions support Lonegan

Anonymous said...

Lonegan has no shot regardless of conventions. Why can some people just not understand that they just are not well-liked or popular for a reason. Its not everyone else, its them.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Jennifer Beck for standing for principal and supporting this legislation. I'm not a big fan of hers, but she and Amy Handlin both deserve credit for showing the courage to do the right thing here.

Anonymous said...

The actions the chairman in monmouth county show the legislation is needed.
Only Nieman had a democratic process.

Anonymous said...

Those Republicans that support cheating the system by "Stacking" the committee to get "Their" candidates to run should be ashamed! But they won't be...cause they are the evils of our party.

What is wrong with letting all Republicans decide who will be the candidate rather than a "Call in application" by a millionaire who doesn't even live in the state?

We need to stop the corruption in OUR party before we can call the Democrats on the carpet for the same corruption. Do what is right...NO MATTER WHAT! I support any law that brings content of ideas over popularity and money!

Anonymous said...

No surprise that those sponsoring this are women and just one man. In the state with the lowest percent representation of women to its population, it will take a sledgehammer act of courageous legislation like this to shatter that glass ceiling. And it is a disgrace that neither political party has taken up this issue of fairness, regardless of gender. Go, Gals + Gary, go!! Let's see who Christie picks for Lt. Gov. NOW with Lonegan bringing this topic to the forefront and giving kudos to this crew.

Anonymous said...

Nieman would be the first to tell you the no quorum conventions were a disaster. 3 years, 3 losses and we are now in the minority. Get over it.

There is no glass ceiling in Monmouth County. Females currently in office include: Clerk, Surrogate, Sheriff, 3 Freeholders, 3 assembly and a Senator. At the local level we've also seen great success.

Beck is not standing on principal. She is looking for another headline. Her record is mediocre at best.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:18

Some very valid points; however, I do think Fred was on the right path. regardless of the losses. It's more than just establishing a democratic process, it's about energizing your political base and ensuring that those who are County committee members turn out to execute their responsibility (or remove them and have them replaced with someone who will).

I think the pendulum swinging the other way where the County chairman chooses the candidate without a convention also do not offer any guarantees of victory in the County races -- or he'll be out too.

So now we've asked Napoleon to come back from Elba because we're too incompetant to choose good candidates? Concerning our losses, maybe it's not only the process, but the "type" of candidates that are attracted to run in this County, or the many potential candidates that don't want to run -- simply because of the local political boss crap that one would have to go through --I think that's more telling of where we're headed.

Anonymous said...

Clearly the circus atmosphere of the conventions may have turned off great potential candidates. Why would you want to go through the process. Look what they did to Anna and Serena. Very negative and divisive.

Anonymous said...

"There is no glass ceiling in Monmouth County. Females currently in office include: Clerk, Surrogate, Sheriff, 3 Freeholders, 3 assembly and a Senator. At the local level we've also seen great success."

Great success?? No glass ceiling?? What percentage of all elected offices in Monmouth are held by women? They make up well over half of the population, and they surely don't have proportionate representation. Women win, that's for sure, if the old boys' networks see fit to put them up.

Anonymous said...

"Great success?? No glass ceiling?? What percentage of all elected offices in Monmouth are held by women? They make up well over half of the population, and they surely don't have proportionate representation. Women win, that's for sure, if the old boys' networks see fit to put them up."

Perhaps you missed the subtle point. Monmouth County is the best in New Jersey! Why don't you go fill the other half of your empty glass!

Anonymous said...

LOL! "Anonymous of 3/3, 9:14am" seems to be speaking of the state, not local county stuff. Why such ferocity? It's about the STATE...not one county. Go ask Diane Allen about glass ceilings....

Anonymous said...

Glass cieling ?

Christie Whitman.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said
Nieman would be the first to tell you the no quorum conventions were a disaster. 3 years, 3 losses and we are now in the minority. Get over it.

Ahh, Under Niemans Convention system Barham won,Burry won, only Lucas lost.
Little won.
Then Puharic starting messing with the system and we started loosing. Little would have won and we would still be in control were it not for the games.

We did not loose the Board of Freeholders because we had a democratic convention.

Anonymous said...

"Glass cieling ?

Christie Whitman."

Wow. A RINO and a WINO in one!

And even if that were not the reality, a ping in the glass does not a shatter make.

Anonymous said...

If the reason to pick your candidate is because of their sex, then you are part of the problem. How childish to talk sex instead of content of character, ideas and experience.

Personally, I would have voted for C. Rice but never H. Clinton.