Tuesday, March 03, 2009

What is Conservatism?

Tommy DeSeno answers the question that George Will couldn't.


Anonymous said...

Hey Art, Seems as if Pat Walsh is trying to address your year long question on her blog (which is interestingly called Middletown Musings, by the way).
She just posed: "Where do republicans manage better? With a $3.79 Million Budget Deficit, not in Middletown."
If Sean Byrnes is so interested in working on the budget ... how come he was a no show at the last Township Committee budget workshop public meeting?

Art Gallagher said...

Poor Pat

Anonymous said...

Tommy is a bright spot and hopefully rising star on our horizon: would love to see him defeat the top Lib: Pallone, and get down there and make some real noise for us!..may the timing be right for him very soon- we need him..keep it up, Tommy!

Anonymous said...

DeSeno is right. Conservatives need to hone their message to a sound byte. It is necessary in this world of high technology, instant messaging and instant gratification. Republicans and conservatives have done a poor job on this front.