Monday, November 30, 2009


Republican Congressional candidate calls on Holt to condemn fellow scientists for altering data and suppressing opposing views

Fair Haven Mayor Michael Halfacre, NJ-12 Republican Congressional candidate, today called on his opponent, Rush Holt, to call for Congressional hearings into the revelations that scientists at England’s University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) and others altered climate research data and actively prevented opposing views on global warming from being peer-reviewed.

“As a man of science, I am sure Rush Holt shares my outrage that any scientist would alter data and suppress opposing views on any subject, especially one as important as global warming”, said Halfacre. “Given that this scandal involves some of the leading climate researchers in the world, and that economic and environmental policy around the world is being made in part based on the research provided by these men, I am sure Mr. Holt will join me in calling on the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming to hold hearings on this matter to determine if any other data has been altered or suppressed.”

Halfacre pointed out that Holt was a supporter of “Cap and Trade”, legislation passed in June by the House of Representatives which would result in staggering tax increases on energy use in the United States. “The argument for the necessity of Cap and Trade was based in large part due to the research done at East Anglia’s CRU”, said Halfacre. “I think there are a lot of Democrats who would like a do-over on that vote after these latest revelations.”

Halfacre called on Holt to denounce his fellow scientists for their actions.

“Mr. Holt continually refers to the fact that he is one of only two scientists in the Congress; moreso than others he bears a responsibility to denounce this stain on his profession. Scientists are supposed to be disinterested collectors of facts and data who follow those facts and data to their conclusion, not manipulative conspirators who cherry pick supportive data to support preconceived notions and who stifle dissent.”

“These researchers are an embarrassment to the scientific community and as a prominent member of that community, Mr. Holt should stand up and say so. Failure to do so can only mean one thing: that he shares the researchers ‘ends justify the means’ attitude on climate change.”


Unknown said...

"The argument for the necessity of Cap and Trade was based in large part due to the research done at East Anglia’s CRU. I think there are a lot of Democrats who would like a do-over on that vote after these latest revelations."

I doubt any of the congressional Democrats even knew what East Anglia CRU is. Certainly, they were never interested in the science behind all this, because if they were, they would've known long ago that it's bogus. The vote was all political. They could meet on a snow day in July, and still wouldn't do a do-over.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

good start.. rap him on all the ridiculous scams we've been subjected to.. the more out of touch we prove the bunch of them, the bigger the gains in 2010..

Anonymous said...

Rush Holt has been the emperor's new clothes since he showed up. He has proclaimed himself as a rocket scientist, which he is not, and self-bestowed many other unsupportable laudits. The fact is, Rush Holt's biggest claim to fame is being born into a family with a U.S. Senator whose connections got him the nomination against the self destructing Happy Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Congressman who lost any chance he had of being reelected by singing on the floor of congress. It is not an accident that the resume-less Holt's entire first campaign never mentioned Rush Holt!!! Every piece of literature mentioned Pappas. In other words, even Rush Holt recognized he wasn't qualified to be a Congressman and could only be elected if people voted AGAINST his opponent rather than FOR him. Now, as the most liberal member (deemed so by the ADA itself) of Congress, he has proven he not only doesn't have the mind of a rocket scientist, but in fact has no mind of his own. He has at one time or another and usually simultaneously, been in the pockets of Frank Pallone, Hovnanian, Charles Rangel and, above all else, Nancy Pelosi. The residents of his district will be telling him next month that Pacific Heights California already has a representative. We need one of our own.

Anonymous said...

It's going to be fun watching Halfacre concede defeat.