Sunday, November 29, 2009

Most Prefer "Merry Christmas" Over "Happy Holidays"

From Rasmussen Reports:

Amidst all the holiday shopping craziness, most Americans at this time of year want to see holiday signs that wish them a "Merry Christmas."

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 72% of adults prefer "Merry Christmas," while 22% like "Happy Holidays" instead.

Older Americans favor "Merry Christmas" more than younger adults.

Married adults fancy the traditional greeting a lot more than unmarrieds, although there is virtually no difference in the views of those with children in the home and those who don't have children living with them.

Perhaps inevitably as with much of what is polled by Rasmussen Reports, there is a partisan difference on the question.
Ninety-one percent (91%) of Republicans and 70% of adults not affiliated with either major political party like store signs that wish them a "Merry Christmas," compared to just 58% of Democrats.

Last year, 68% of all adults wanted holiday signs to read "Merry Christmas," while 25% preferred "Happy Holidays."

In a spearate survey released just before Thanksgiving, seven percent (7%) of Americans said they've already completed their holiday shopping. But 57% of adults hadn't started yet.

The good news is that 53% of Americans said they were more thankful this Thanksgiving than they were last year at this time.


stopthesocialists said...

Art - did you ever think you'd see the day when a poll was taken to see if people preferred saying, "Merry Christmas?" This is the world that the secular progressive, far left envisions for us. How about the overwhelming majority of us give them a big eff you and defend every tradition on their radar screen. Starting with the schools and their "winter break" crap.

M said...

Poll is another example that Democrats are out of step with the values of most of America.

Anonymous said...

and the Christmas concerts have gotten so vanilla and "non-denominational," why even have them any more?..same thing with the banning of all holiday decorations.. it's sick, and "freedom of religion", which we're founded on, has become "freedom from religion", just to pacify a vocal, godless minority!!.. again, no guts from public officials factors in here, once again!! the poor kids!

ambrosiajr said...

Merry Christmas Everyone!