The 12th District Legislators are thrilled with the recent announcement that Brazil’s top justice announced his decision that Sean Goldman should be returned to his father, David Goldman. Below is a statement from Senator Jennifer Beck, Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon and Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande, who have advocated on David Goldman’s behalf in his on-going struggle to bring his son home after he was abducted by his Brazilian mother in 2004 and taken to Brazil:
“This most recent decision by Brazilian Chief Justice Gilmar Mendes is the culmination of years or hard work and struggle by so many people especially David Goldman and Rep. Chris Smith, who took on David’s mission as his own. It’s so heartening to see that justice is being served and that David will soon have his son home after so many years without him.
“Today it was also announced that Sean’s Brazilian family will not file any more appeals to attempt to keep him in their custody, so Sean will be on his way home soon. It’s not likely to be an easy transition for Sean, but David’s willingness to permit his son’s Brazilian relatives to remain in touch with Sean will surely be a help as he readjusts to life in America.
“Until Sean lands safely in the U.S., however, we realize that the pressure must continue to be placed upon both Brazilian and American officials. Rep. Smith is currently in Brazil with David Goldman, and we are certain that he will continue to keep up the good fight on David’s behalf and that very soon, we will see David and Sean step off the plane back together on American soil.”
The Healey Mirage
19 hours ago
oh, no, please do not tell me they have fallen into the veteran-legislator trap of: "I'm elected to one thing, and this automatically makes me all-seeing,knowing, and doing, at every other level"??..guys, time to replace that press release writer, pronto:.. your job ONE, which you got elected to do, is to go to Trenton, twice a week at least, and do nothing but fight the raising of my taxes, getting this oppressive,way-over-regualted STATE gov't. OFF our backs, and keeping us in NJ!..period!..we'll chalk this one up to a slow holiday news-day, just this once,but, now,STOP looking ridiculous, please!
what phony, silly tripe! don't need a title to be heartened by this case, at this point, EVERYone wants the guy to get his kid yawn, yawn!
What, no press release telling us that Beck, O'Scanlon and Casagrande are against cancer?
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