Tuesday, January 12, 2010


By Rod Sterling

Remember Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau? In one movie, dressed in gendarme uniform, he approaches and begins to berate a blind organ grinder for soliciting with his "minkey" without a permit. The organ grinder claims it is not his minkey and it is the minkey who solicits and not him. He solely accompanies the monkey with music. This all occurs in front of a bank in which there is an armed robbery taking place.

When the robbers run from the bank carrying the loot, the getaway car screeches up to the curb and they jump in. Clouseau interrupts his harangue of the organ grinder long enough to hold up traffic to allow the getaway car to enter the roadway. Moments later a bank officer rushes from the bank to give the alarm and Clouseau hits him on the head with his white baton.

Could Blake Edwards and/or Peter Sellers have anticipated TSA?

It appears that their priority is not to offend Muslims. Over the last 40 years Muslims have been responsible for:

Assassination of RFK 1968
Munich Massacre of Olympic athletes 1972
US Embassy in Iran taken 1979
USMC baracks in Beirut bombed 1983
Achille Lauro hijacked, 70 year old American citizen pushed overboard in wheelchair 1985
TWA flt 847 hihacked in Athens, US Sailor murdered 1985
Pan Am flt 103 blew out of the sky over Lockerbee Scotland 1988
first bombing of WTC 1993
US embassies bombed in Tanzania and Kenya 1998
9-11 4 US planes hijacked, nearly 3,000 Americans killed
Reporter Daniel Pearl beheaded on camera 2002
Christmas, 2009, the panty bomber

Doesn't the Muslim religion call for the spilling of blood of all infidels?
(Infidels include, Christians, Jews and others). Why do we tolerate this? Why do I keep hearing reiteration that most Muslims are fine people but there are merely extremists.

Our priority seem to be not to cause offense to Muslims with safety of American citizens somewhere down on the list. I believe that Muslims ought to be offended, at the very least. Furthermore, I would not let another one into the country for any reason.

Lastly, there seems to be a good chance that TSA will be unionized before the year is out. Before that happens, shut them down!!! Replace them with the U.S. Military who will get the job done.

Should we profile? OF COURSE!!! Before any of you come back and say I am racist or bigoted or prejudiced, I say so what? All of those things are legal, killing Americans is not.

How many Americans do you think really give a rat's ass about these people. They are destroying Europe and they will do the same here unless they are dealt with.

"Rod" Sterling is the Former Mayor of Stafford Township. He is now retired and lives in Virginia.


ambrosiajr said...

Yes, by all means, lets condemn a billion and half Muslims because a few are radicals....here's a list of a few Christian atrocities over the years...would you condemn all Christians?

One priest even burned down his own church to kill hundreds of Tutsis who had taken sanctuary there. Two priests were sentenced to death in 1998 for their roles in this genocide and two Benedictine nuns who supplied gasoline for the burning of Tutsi civilians sheltered in their church fled to Belgium where they were later convicted of complicity to murder.

Burma and Thailand
Accounts from local residents claim that:

The American Baptist Paul Lewis sterilized more than 20,000 Akha Hill Tribe women in Burma’s Eastern Shan State alone. This was done secretly, and blood was stolen from these women for resale, taken during the sterilization procedure. More than 3,000 of the women died.

*Catholic extermination camps

Surpisingly few know that Nazi extermination camps in World War II
were by no means the only ones in Europe at the time. In the years
1942-1943 also in Croatia existed numerous extermination camps, run by Catholic Ustasha under their dictator Ante PaveliƧ, a practising
Catholic and regular visitor to the then pope. There were even
concentration camps exclusively for children!

In these camps - the most notorious was Jasenovac, headed by a Franciscan friar - orthodox-Christian serbians (and a substantial number of Jews) were murdered.

These are but a few of the more recent ones...I wonder how many billions were killed in the name of Jesus over the last 2000 years.

Moral is, don't judge a whole religion by the radical actions of a few.

Anonymous said...

Trying to draw traffic Art?

Christians believe that those who aren't Christian go to hell and are damned in eternity. Not much different than Muslims believing if your not Muslim you are an infidel.

How about all the attacks Americans have made towards fellow Americans like Timothy McVeigh and the countless shootings.

Art, Your as ignorant and shallow as your friend from Virginia. Pick up a history book once in awhile in between selling used trucks.

Anonymous said...

The call for profiling is mis-guided. Profiling doesn't work. Once the perpetrator figures out what profile the is, he/she can just enlist someone who doesn't fit the profile. It also doesn't take into account that the vast majority of Muslims worldwide are not terrorists.

ML said...

I have friends who are muslims,
They are peace loving people and I like them a lot. But I still think Muslims should get extra attention at the airport. I feel bad that my friends might be inconvienced but WE ARE AT WAR. I would rather have that then have a plane blown up

When Middle age protestant white guys start committing most terrorist acts I will have no problem if they pull me out of line at the airport and give me some extra attention. In fact I would be mad if they did not.

Profiling is a tool that should be used. Its not condeming an entire religion it is just freaking common sense. Something liberals lack.

ambrosiajr said...

OK then...lets start profiling all people that LOOK Irish.....and then lets start to detain the Catholics that LOOK Irish.

Since the late 1960s, the IRA has killed about 1,800 people, including about 650 civilians. The primary targets were British troops, police officers, prison guards, and judges—many of them unarmed or off-duty—as well as rival paramilitary militants, drug dealers, and informers in Ulster. Major IRA terrorist attacks include:

The July 1972 bombing spree known as Bloody Friday, in which downtown Belfast was rocked by twenty-two bombs in seventy-five minutes, leaving nine dead and 130 injured;
The 1979 assassination of Lord Mountbatten, Queen Elizabeth II's uncle and the last Viceroy of India;
The 1984 bombing of a Brighton hotel where then British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her cabinet were meeting, which wounded several British officials and killed four other Britons;
a 1993 car bombing in London's financial district, Canary Wharf, that killed one person and caused $1 billion of damage;
Mortar attacks on the British prime minister's residence and London's Heathrow Airport in the early 1990s;
Bombings of civilian targets, including pubs, shops, and subway stations, in Northern Ireland and Britain throughout the 1970s,
1980s, and 1990s.
Involvement in organized criminal activities, such as extortion, bank robbery, smuggling, and counterfeiting.

Can't you see how dangerous this is?

Good thing I'm Italian...

ML said...

If Irish Catholics were still involved in terrorism and it threatened us I would say yes Profile them. Whats so dangerous. You are not convicting them you are just prudently watching them a little closer.

can't you see how dangerous it would be not too.

BTW I am sure that in the 70,s and 80's the UK did profile Irish Catholics.

Unknown said...

IRA only attacked within Northern Ireland and England, and yes, Irsh people WERE profiled in the 70's and 80's by UK police. When all those attacks were perpetrated by red-haired bearded Irishmen, that's who they were looking for, it wouldn't have made sense to randomly screen blonde Scandinavians, black Africans or young Muslims.

Vic Fedorov said...

If you don't think Islam oppresses the arab people, you just aren't very sympathetic to arab people. Islam attacked many local arab religions. Without Islam, cruel tyrants who sell the west oil wouldn't be propped up. Without Islam, the arab people might be self-sustaining, live tribally, not need money, and be able to directly trade oil for whatever. extra they need. Mohammed killed hundreds if not thousands of people; what kind of religious leader is that; yet instead of having sympathy for fine arab people under the totalitarian rule of a religion that may whip you for not gathering to pray, or cut off your hands for stealing bread---you act like you accept problems rather than trying to solve them.

Anonymous said...

blah, blah, while we quibble over our own preferences and leanings/upbringings, facts remain facts: it's that radical philosophy that has done most of the terror, and apparently that mindset is far from done: agree: profile the behaviors, patterns,etc., and for God's/Allah's sake, stop telling any bad guys everything we're doing/gonna do, to try and weed out the bad ones,before they succeed yet again!!!and, ps: let the billions of "peaceloving" among them step up much more often from the prayer rugs, and loudly CONDEMN those behaviors and resultant massacres!- most of their silence is just disgustingly DEAFENING!..

Anonymous said...

*cough* fascist *cough cough*...You sound like your from the south - southern baptist? Eh, doesn't matter, sounds like you would have been more at home in Germany (sometime before 1945 for your own health lol)