Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gays Target Sean Kean's Seat

Enraged by his "No" vote on the gay marriage bill, and his impassioned speech on the Senate floor during which he expressed his appreciation for the positive differences gay couples make in their communities, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community is organizing to unseat Senator Sean Kean.

The Committee to Unseat Sean Kean is organized by Tim Horn, Thomas Mannix and Paul Vail. They started a facebook group last Friday that has recruited 1,160 "fans" as of this morning.

The group is also targeting Senator Jennifer Beck. Both Kean and Beck pledged to introduce legislation that would strengthen New Jersey's civil union law prior to their no votes on the gay marriage bill.

Kean told Politickernj:

"I'm sorry if my speech was perceived as patronizing. I wanted to give the full spectrum of where I was coming from. Maybe I didn't connect the dots well enough, but I voted the way I did out of respect for the institution of marriage.

"It wasn't an easy decision," Kean added. "At the end of the day, the gay community felt really let down. But whichever way I voted, people would have been upset. In the speech, my intention was to address some extremely nasty, aggressive and over-the-top emails."

"I could have voted and not spoken, but if my speaking has stirred up negative feelings, that's unfortunate," he said. "I wanted to communicate some compassion. I have no regrets."

Tom DeSeno wrote about the group on his facebook page:

Who are they kidding? Even if Sean had voted for Gay marriage, they would have voted against him in November anyway. Most of that gang finds it more important to support the Democrat party than to support Gay marriage.

As a moderate Republican, Kean is not likely to find strong support from core conservatives to counter this movement and mainstream moderates are not passionate about the issue. However, it remains to be seen whether this group has the staying power, passion and skills to impact an election that won't take place until 2011. Probably not.

Kean's seat is safe, for now.


Unknown said...

That is a funny group. It's some of the most liberal Dems in NJ, they would've voted for his Dem challenger no matter what.

morguebabe said...

It's not just the 'gays' I'm straight, and his speech was one of the most offensive things I've heard. It was simply ignorant. You can't deny that.
This issue was important to the gay community, to say they no one from it would have supported him in 2011 is ridiculous.

stopthesocialists said...

Enough with this nonsense already. Kean's biggest offense was groveling to the militant gays as he voted in the only sensible way he could. Gays have civil unions - that should be enough. If you grant gays the right to marry, then you have to allow bisexuals, polygamists, 12 year olds - every other fringe group the same right. The monsters in NAMBLA are always looking to challenge the age of consent laws - now they will have this to use. If you are not going to define marriage as between a man and a woman, why limit the number? Or age? Why not let someone marry their cocker spaniel? Marriage is the cultural representation of our biological profile. Goes way back into prehistory. Humans have "disguised ovulation" which means they must be monogomous to assure paternity. Marriage between one man and one woman is the cornerstone of our humanity. Any permutation makes a mockery of it.

Anonymous said...

His speech was idiotic. It made no sense and it was offensive. Impassioned?

Anonymous said...

those damn 12 year olds hell of a fringe group Tom

Unknown said...

I might be for legalizing gay marriage, but since it seems such an important issue, I'd do it gradually. For example, I'd first legalize marriage for gay women. Wait a few years, examine all the evidence (video, etc.), and then decide whether to move forward.

ML said...

Marriage is not a civil right.

Living with a screwing whoever you want is a civil right.

Having the Government put a stamp of approval on it is not a right.

Anonymous said...

Come on Art even you'd have to agree the speech was dumb. If he doesn't make that speech the group probably focuses more on the D's that voted no.

He shoulda just voted No. The whole "I have friends who are gay" thing was a horrible card to play.

Anonymous said...

two words EMPTY SUIT

Anonymous said...

taxes and spending, address taxes and spending, focus and do something for all of us,PLEASE!!!!