Friday, January 29, 2010

Obama and Christie: A Study In Contrasts

Monmouth University pollster Patrick Murray's piece at InTheLobby is a must read.

One major difference between the president's and the governor's broadcasts was the tone. Middle class voters want to know that their elected leaders truly appreciate the problems they face. Christie demonstrated that, while Obama fell short.

Read the piece here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the guy is simply totally ill-equipped to be the "most powerful man in the world", period!.. it's not just wrong and embarassing, after just one year, it's outright dangerous on so many fronts, the founders would likely have either banished him, hung the guy, or tried to burn him, and the lawbreaking socialists around him, at the stake!..this will go down as the most epic mistake ever made by the American electorate, if the true history of these days will even be allowed to be written!.. if Clinton could get impeached for lying, surely, this character could for crimes against the union!!