Friday, January 29, 2010

Fred Driscoll Has Risen, Again showed up last spring as dead Governor Fred Driscoll's answer to Politickernj's Wally Edge.

Here is what I had to say about the site last May:

How could I not plug this site?

There is a new web site covering New Jersey politics, media and all the news it can get to that the newspapers miss. will be bookmarked by all of us who love and hate New Jersey politics in short order, probably right after you finish reading this post.

Fred Driscoll is the dead Governor behind this site. Students of New Jersey history will know that Alfred E.Driscoll was the first Governor under our current constitution. He succeeded Walter "Wally" Edge in 1947. Both Driscoll and Edge were Republicans. New Jersey has not elected two Republican governors consecutively since.

The modern day Driscoll seeks to succeed Politickenj's Wally Edge, who has "lost his Edge" according to Fred, as the web pundit who breaks the stories and drives the agenda in NJ.

Driscoll's content and Freditorials are funny, irreverent and brutally honest. The site reminds me of Dan Jacobson's Tri-City News in its wacky style. The current lead story on TheStateOfNJ, about an email exchange between NJGOP Chairman Tom Wilson and Rocco Riccio, will probably leave Wilson feeling about TheStateOfNJ the way former Red Bank Mayor Ed McKenna feels about Tri-City News. Not good.

Fred has keen insights into New Jersey politics. But the reason for this plug is his insights into the deminshing state of New Jersey's print media, especially this observation:
Speaking of Gannett, what happened to the once great Asbury Park Press? Reviews of recent editorials seem to indicate that the great blog MoreMonmouthMusings is driving its agenda. Honestly, read Art Gallagher for a while then wait a few days and you’ll read strikingly similar sentiments in the Press.

I don't know that that is so, but I like the sentiment.

Fred is back with a cast of anonymous characters and is making waves again:

THE STATE: what began as an online experiment between a group of friends fell by the wayside as our editing staff split up for the year. Some of our people went to work for then Governor Corzine, some went to work for now Governor Christie. Some of our people joined law firms and some went to work for Assembly candidates. Still, others scattered throughout the nation to work for ballot measures of every kind.

Now we are back with a new editorial team but the same hard hitting, OG content that you and others around our fine state have come to love, admire and respect.

Ladies and gentlemen, we give you, the return of Fred Driscoll and the boys (and girls) at

Joe Cryan and Alex DeCroce can not be happy. The Assembly Majority and Minority Leaders are hit pretty hard in the site's recent resurrection.

For what it is worth, Karen Golding, who's computer is the subject of the article that is giving Cryan ajada, reached out to me via facebook to ask if I knew who was behind the mysterious site. When I told her I didn't know, she responded, "the story is factually correct but i was just curious who was behind it."

Given that Golden has never reached out to me before, I now wonder if she is one of the people behind it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she reached out to me too and ive never spoken to her before. I think she reached out to all her FB politically connected friends but still a possibility could be here