Friday, February 12, 2010

Curley The Maverick

Freeholder John Curley, known as a plain spoken maverick during his tenure as a Red Bank Councilman, has returned to form as a Monmouth County Freeholder.

Curley broke with fellow Republican Freeholders Lillian Burry and Rob Clifton at yesterday's meeting by voting against the introduction of the county budget, against the appointment of Terry O'Connor as County Administrator, and against the appointment of Matthew Goode of the firm Maybrock and Zapcic as special county counsel. Democratic Freeholders John D'Amico and Amy Mallet voted with Burry and Clifton.

Additionally, Curley issued the following statement this morning, which was not cleared through the county press office:

Freehold- Due to the mounting global economic meltdown Monmouth County along with other governmental agents must tighten their belts to relieve the burden on taxpayers. Freeholder Curley believes we must enact a comprehensive plan immediately.

“The County of Monmouth needs to revamp its governmental hierarchy starting at the top,” Freeholder Curley said “no longer can we burden the residents of Monmouth County to carry exorbitant salaries and positions in County Government.”

Freeholder Curley would like to see a cap placed on County salaries, and the doing away of many Deputy positions that are unnecessary.

“Last year the Freeholders requested the rank and file employees of the Sheriffs department to take salary cuts, and when the demand was rejected, layoffs ensued. It is now time for the top of our hierarchy to participate in salary savings.” Freeholder Curley went on to say “We must not compare Monmouth County salaries to other counties in New Jersey, but must lead the way in becoming the most fiscally responsible county in New Jersey.”

Freeholder Curley believes all this can be done by cutting through layers of bureaucracy, and through hard line cost saving cuts. He has laid out 12 ways he believes could put Monmouth County back on track.

“Currently the County is over burdened by eighteen employees making over $140,000 per year and 213 employees making over $100,000 per year this is unacceptable. We must act now and I believe the list that I have created is a good place to begin with for common sense government.” said Freeholder Curley.

Curley proposed the following:

1) 5% cuts across the board are mandatory

2) Departments may not use newly derived funding toward their 5%. Cuts must be actual

3) Place a salary cap on all employees regardless of skills or length of service. This is cap would ensure no County employee would make more than a New Jersey Commissioner.

4) All hires and fires must go through the Board of Chosen Freeholders with explanation of same.

5) The Administrator, as directed in the Administrative Code works at the pleasure of the Freeholder Board and is in no way to be construed as a County Executive.

6) All Department heads report directly to the Freeholders.

7) The County Administrator shall prepare weekly activity reports for all the Freeholders.

8) Specific job duties for appointed employees will be assigned in conjunction with the Administrative Code.

9) Administrators must eliminate the Deputy positions and should only be staffed by an Administrative Assistant

10) Department Heads cannot give titles to employees with higher salaries when that title is foreign to their department.

11) The ploy tactic to increase wages by expanding hours from 35-40 hours per work week must cease.

12) New hires and appointed employees shall contribute toward healthcare premiums.

Curley told MoreMonmouthMusings that he proposed these reforms during his remarks on O'Connor's appointment. He said that he favors O'Connor for the job, but that he is opposed to the fact that there are no pay scales for appointed positions and that he is opposed to long term contracts for public employees.

Curley said that he is working full time as a Freeholder and that he is in his office at the Hall of Records five days per week. Despite his availability, Curley said that Burry and Clifton are not caucusing him with. He cited the special counsel appointment as a last minute agenda addition that he was out of the loop on.

The Monmouth GOP has a long history of having a maverick Freeholder. Amy Handlin, now an Assemblywoman, was often at odds with her fellow Republicans during her 18 years on the Freeholder Board. Anna Little, now the Mayor of Highlands, who replaced Handlin, had a tumultuous 22 month tenure as a Freeholder often butting heads with two county chairmen and then Freeholder Director Bill Barham.

Curley said that he doesn't care if he ends up being a one term Freeholder, "I campaigned for two years to reduce spending in the county and reform the way it does business. That's what I am going to do. If I step on some toes in getting that done, so be it."

Burry took issue with Curley's statement, "I don't know that we are off track. Monmouth is the most fiscally responsible county in New Jersey and one of the most responsible in the country, as evidenced by our AAA bond rating," she said, " Last year we reduced our work force by almost 10% and we started this year with closing the Youth Detention Center, which isn't reflected in the budget yet. John needs a better understanding of the process. Opposing the introduction of the budget draft, a starting point, makes no sense."

Burry said she would be happy to facilitate communication between herself, Curley and Clifton.

Clifton said, "John brings some deep seeded beliefs and a great new energy to the board. While on somethings we will disagree, I expect that we will agree on most. He is very inquisitive and is doing a good job learning how the county works."

Updated with Clifton's quote at 6:07 pm


Anonymous said...

Go Johnny go!

Middletown Conservative said...

John is right. It's not surprising that Burry and Clifton are not caucusing with him. Curley is trying to take a business approach to running the county. That's a new concept to the other freeholders.

To implement Curley's proposals would take hard work and the freeholders would have to stand up to a lot of ridicule in the press and from the public - something Burry and Clifton can't handle.

Doing the right thing is never easy. Keep it up John Curley.

Anonymous said...

Burry has no interest in ending the gravy train and is part of the problem. I will admit I had my doubts about Curley but he has gone and proved me wrong. Don't forget those county people making over 100k probably have fat benefit plans and are padding an absurd pension. The reason the pension system was so rich was supposed to be because public employees were paid peanuts, now that teachers and government workers are paid well above peanuts the pension system needs to be dumped or salaries slashed

James Hogan said...

Good for Mr. Curley.

We can only hope that someday, someone as brave and wise as John Curley puts an end to the gravy train that is being a "school administrator" in this state. For example Joseph Ferraina in Long Branch takes $300K/yr+ from taxpayers and he is now joined by Mr. Salvatore who is making $140K/yr in a made up, redundant position. The creation of positions, promotions and job titles just to pay these people more while doing the same, or less, work than they already do, or the same work as the guy in the office next door over, has to end, now.

Grace Cangemi said...

In Red Bank, John fought for similar cuts, and it is to our great disadvantage that they didn't happen. Today, the Red Bank Borough Council that scoffed at John Curley's cost cutting measures and business-like approach to government is staring down a "doomsday" budget. Years of spending created exponential increases that would have been avoided had they listened to John's suggestions.

For Freeholder, John campaigned for tough cost cutting measures, and he's keeping his promises. If taking a hard look at spending and finding ways to cut makes John a maverick, there's lots of us mavericks out there making these decisions in our homes and businesses. I'm glad there's one in county government and I hope to see more electeds signing up.

Anonymous said...

Revisit some of Curley's proposals--not as well thought out as one might think. Some of the positions that Curley refers to are 24 hour on call--include weekends, nights, etc., so making six figures is not unreasonable in any market even though it's a govt. position. I don't take issue with him breaking ranks with other R's, that's actually refreshing. But his argumentative approach to everything is his style. He doesn't mind being a one term freeholder--that's fine. But, being argumentative for the sake of being known as "the maverick" is someting entirely different. And, many times as evidenced in Red Bank, it wasn't Curley doing something for the good of the people, it was Curley choosing to do the opposite of any existing proposal put forth and screaming it as loud as he could. That got him press.

Anonymous said...

As a Democrat who strongly supported Sean Byrnes all I can say is WOW, John Curley just impressed the hell out of me. Maybe his craziness needs to rub off on his business-as-usual colleagues, especially D'Amico who Dems are ticked at for voting for Carton.

Anonymous said...

John is sharp,savvy and knows who the RINO'S are in the party. Yes, a bit
crazy but deadly in a gun fight. Go get'em John!

Middletown Conservative said...

I agree that we need to get rid of anyone with "Deputy" in their title (point #9). This stands for "assistant." The real world of business got rid of assistant positions years ago. There is no need for assistant/deputy managers, assistant department directors or any other kind.

The argument of "what if the manager is away" does not fly.

If a department can't function when the manager is out on vacation or for any other reason, then the manager needs to be replaced. It indicates a poorly managed company.

John - eliminate that entire layer.

Anonymous said...

I was not a big Curley fan but he is right.

The people in the Republican Party who are for the status quo are going to be sorry they ran John Curley.

On reflection, that thought makes me happy.

By the way Maybruch and Zapcic where the only county counsel nominees who got voted down at the reorg. Why and what kind of back room deal was cut to get them appointed now?

Anonymous said...

Stand tall Mr Curley, continue to do the right thing! Follow our Governor's lead

Anonymous said...

uh, maybe because they're a good Rep. firm actually doing a good job for us.... and,stop painting everything with the same broad brush:, yes, there are too many mid-level, clueless administrators, but some titles are statutory and there needs to be an ass't. to legally oversee and sign things, etc., in the absence of the director..also, some ideas are good,there are certainly programs and equipment purchasing that need to be cut down, but airing any personal disconnects and political dirty laundry in public can be politically destructive and weaken a very new team that needs to work together, or the Dopocrats'll come right back in..when we get back to 5-0, then be the total "maverick" if that's your thing.. we still have loyalty,unity, and organizational issues to iron out!!

Anonymous said...

That type of mentality keeping disputes in secret back rooms is what destroyed the GOP party and made it into a GOP lite party hard to differentiate from the dems. As for the poster claiming goverment emplyees are on call 24-7, please spare us. They get more holidays and vacations then you can shake a stick at. Nobody in government should make 6 figures ever!

Anonymous said...

if you think talking out policy differences out of the public discourse and being unified when at the meetings is wrong, welcome back, Dir. D'Amico, who works at getting back in, on a daily basis for these jealous,blanket condemnations of what you know little,tell that to the biggest bilking phonies ever, the US Congress! attention: did not say 24-7,said statutory and legal responsibilities.. and, bet if you were qualified and asked, and got one of the tough,responsible jobs, and put your all into it and it became your career and livelihood, you'd want your fair and just compensation,for doing a good job,just like anyone else, too..