Friday, February 05, 2010

Email of the month:

Subject: Lincoln Day Dinner - Feb 14

"Honey, for Valentine's Day I bought us 2 tickets to a political dinner!!!"


Let me guess, a divorced guy picked this date.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oxley & crew.

Unknown said...

At least I solved the problem of making V-Day plans.

Anonymous said...

As if a holiday weekend wasn't bad enough.

Anonymous said...

It's not the first time that dinner Sunday fell on Valentine's Day, so,if not in your plans, fine!..if folks really want to come, they put it on their schedule..if it was on a Friday, people are tired after the workweek, if it was on a Saturday, it's a sports or family day, etc., anyone can make an excuse if they want to..those who feel obligated/forced to do a sweet, romantic evening alone, can probably, actually, get a cheaper Valentine's deal by going out on Saturday instead, so, big whup..and,y'know, some people actually enjoy being with fellow Republicans to honor "old Abe", be seen, get their petitions signed, forward their personal agendas, on whatever the damn date is! assured,some 500-600 folks will show again this year, the ad journal sales are way up from last year, the Gov. may even be able to pop in,(barring another big snowstorm),with most having no problem at all with it!..

Anonymous said...

swell, Chris, am sure you already signed your buddy Mike's petition, anyhow..fear not,we won't miss ya!!

Unknown said...

Oh no, my Sippyfan friend, you'll see me there, that's what I meant when I said I don't have to make plans anymore :-)

And to anybody who's complaining, I think at one point it was supposed to the previous Sunday... which would've meant zero attendance unless it was hosted at a sports bar.

Anonymous said...

I agree; "the more, the merrier".

How dare Halfacre come off thinking he 'owns' the nomination by being the first candidate to come out? Personally, I think it was the stupidest move he could have made. Spun his wheels for a year to gain name recognition so people could have time investigate his background and see that this guy is NOT a fiscal or social conservative. Made himself a bigger target for Holt; he would get creamed.

Halfacre just spent over a million dollars of hard-earned taxpayer money buying a piece of riverfront property for a 'passive park'.... in this tough economy...after he said he wouldn't do it before possibly getting grant money. He speaks down to people at public meetings, especially women. And what does he do when he has a tough decision? HE FLIPS A COIN!! Seriously, does he think he can 'Bateman' everyone? The man is dangerously delusional...and Holt's dream opponent.

The GOP can't afford to waste this opportunity on this egomaniac.

Anonymous said...

We don't go for the whole Valentine's Day thing but this is really over the top - for those of us who have partners who aren't into the whole politics thing, going to a political dinner is asking enough - going to one on VDay is asking too much. Great move there Mr Chairman

Anonymous said...

too bad some people can only see things from their own personal perspective!..someone pointed out that, many of our loyal,Republican family members are older, have lost spouses, or are single,and are glad to not have to be alone that night: it was successful last time under Dowd that we had it on the 14th, and will be this year, as well..also, it's SUPPOSED to be held around "President's" weekend, because this event celebrates our party's founder, LINCOLN!!- and all over this country, in the first two weeks of February, state and county GOP organizations,use this as one of their biggest "celebrations" of the year- that's the entire POINT of it!!.. good grief!..

Anonymous said...

Chris, glad you'll be there: and, do not really care who's the nominee in CD 12, just think the biggest checkbooks will have a better chance to WIN against these two creepy, entrenched D's, CD 6 and CD 12, in this still-blue state!!..

Anonymous said...

gosh,sure was hoping the naysayers and sarcastic, "Adam-ites", had learned that it's better to be positive and join- in, rather than criticize,exclude, and divide!!!

Unknown said...

From my point of view, I'm glad I don't have to think of a new place, call, make reservations, etc, as long as Joe Oxley took care of all that :-) Plus, if your date doesn't like it, you can always blame it on the GOP. Or Bush (if you wanna go the Obama way).

Sippyfan: don't worry, in November I'll support whoever wins the nomination. I just hope the better candidate will get it. I supported McCain also, so it can't get too much worse.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like Chris has political and significant other problems.

Unknown said...

What's up Sippyfan? Your boyfriend would feel uncomfortable among so many conservatives?

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin's speech at the Tea Party convention last night launched her, willingly or not, into a leadership role within that movement.

Anyone care to know who Halfacre smirkingly blamed McCain's presidential loss on? I wonder what the Tea Party folks would think about that ....

Anonymous said...

Did the majority if people in Fairhaven support buying a riverfront park? If so then move if you dont like it. if the majority does not support it I guess the democrats will take over fairhaven.