Monday, February 15, 2010

Evan Bayh To Leave U.S. Senate

The NY Times reports that Democratic U.S. Senator Evan Bayh will not seek a third term as U.S. Senator from Indiana.


Anonymous said...

I heard a while back that Bayh was very displeased with Obama for a number of reasons (some personal) and considering a run against him for the nomination in 2012.

This just might be the first step in his strategy to that end.

Anonymous said...

more proof how selfish, superficial and sick their whole philosophy and existence is!.. we should have a shot now there, but he still gets the best retirement and benefits,no matter how destructive his too many votes were!..once we change back, we gotta keep paying atention to these maniacs!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:26, your an idiot

Evan Bayh is up by 20 points in every poll -->

He's just tired of politics, hes had 8 years of governor and 12 years as senator, he wants to move on. He is far from a coward, hes just moving on.

U can't spell Princeton without R-I-N-O said...

Fox news says that Baron Hill might run for this seat. That would be great for Sipprelle, he would then have two Dems in the Senate!!

That's the same Baron Hill who just attended Obama's Super Bowl party. Way to pick 'em Sippy!!

Anonymous said...

Baron Hill sounds like an exclusive boys' school, or something.. absent a real national leader, we'll certainly see some missteps, going forward.. maybe, if the good Lord still has a special place for America, He'll help us win, in spite of ourselves!.. agree Bayh wants to gear up against Barry the O, sensing his obvious weaknesses and screwups is leaving them wanting another option..if Nov.,'10 is far away,2012 is a distant haze!- am hoping there'll be anything of a country left by then, at the rate we're going!

Anonymous said...

I am tired of all this whining about partisanship in Congress.
They are supposed to be partisan.
Look the problem is not with Congress it is with us.
There are two widely divergent views of the role of government in our society.
There are those of us who believe Government causes more problems then it solves and the less we have to ask them to do the better.

Then there are those who believe the government should be our cradle to grave parents and smooth out all lifes bumpos.

How the hell do you find Middle ground there.

I say the problem is with us because too many voters can not decide which view of government they want. if they would just pick one or the other and stick with it a few years we would not need bipartisanship.