Monday, February 15, 2010

Illions And Crew Should Listen to Doherty

State Senator Michael Doherty (R-Washington Twp) was named the #1 conservative of 2009 by the former Republican blog, Conservatives with Attitude last week.

Today, Doherty told Politickernj's Max Pizarro that he is supporting moderate Congressman Leonard Lance for re-election over a conservative primary challenger.

Does that make New Jersey's #1 conservative a RINO?

The Illions Kool-Aid crew should post these Doherty quotes on their bathroom mirrors:

It's not the fights, but the right fights

there are better targets to go after. Democrats, for instance

"Do we agree on all the issues, no, but to Republicans angry at Leonard Lance, my message is get on board with the Christie administration and take on guys like Rush Holt and John Adler to advance Republican principles"

Look, we have a Republican governor, a great victory last year, and I'm sitting on the budget committee in the senate. Conservatives have a place at the table. In terms of the future of New Jersey, let's consolidate what we have. If there are conservatives who are still ticked off after we elected Chris Christie, let them go after Rush Holt and John Adler, a much more fruitful and productive enterprise."


Anonymous said...

Most people who call themselves Republicans are really just RINOs so for those people just defeating the dems is the right fight since they just care about lining up jobs for each other. A conservative life long politician is not really anyone whose advise we should follow. It is comical to see the people posting here slaming those who stand on principles. Actually it is pretty sad now that I think about it.

Anonymous said...

But he is a lousy congressman
Whats more important effective legislators or party loyalty?