As if there is something wrong with immigration attorneys. I mean, didn't Diane Gooch's husband once need one? My grandparents did.
Ever quick on their feet, Anna's militia sprung into action and redirected the url of her law practice to her campaign website. Little's webmaster tells me there has been 50,000 visitors referred to the campaign site from since the switch and $25,000 in donations as a result, just today. I'm kidding. Am I? You'll be checking on June 15. Either way, thanks Joe!
Now the Gooch supporters are spinning their gaffe as "Anna Little took down her law firm's website today. What is she hiding?" 50,000 visitors, perhaps? $25,000? I'll never tell.
For anyone wondering where Little stands on immigration, read this post and/or view this video.
Thanks again Joe! Can we have our signs back now?
Is it just me or is the Gooch campaign starting to look like a bunch of bumbling buffoons grasping at straws in the dark.
I mean between petty road sign theft and the priceless gift that is Joe Schilp, I have to wonder whether an intelligent, viable, experienced candidate like Anna is all we've ever needed to topple the establishment Republican regime.
Why didn't we think of this sooner!
Like Art said...thanks Joe!
It's amazing to me that you 'report' on this stuff but never on all of the petty actions of Anna Little and her camp.
less than 2 weeks of anna little left. good riddens.
And these people think they can beat Pallone
Looks like Ms. Gooch should seek a refund from those handlers. Several parties e-mailed me Little's website a few days ago, lamenting that she was an Immigration attorney. We knew it was coming. I brushed that off and I brush off Gooch's camps attempt to tar Ms. Little. If anything, Ms. Little has a keen understanding of the immigration situation. I am so glad this benefitted Ms. Little for two reasons. One, it helped her campaign and two, it tears off the veil hiding the Gooch campaigns total lack of political knowledge and exposes them as the lowly opportunist they really are. Do we want this person representing us and challenging the Pallone machine? Answer, HELL NO!
As far as the road sign theft is concerned, that may have been the town in question taking the signs down, not the Gooch campaign. It happened in Ocean. The ordinance in our town allows political signs to be put up within two weeks prior to the election in question, no earlier.
In Ocean, Anna Little signs went up first, then Gooch signs. Both were being taken down on Monday by Township personnel because they had been put up last week when yesterday would have been the earliest they could have been put up to be in compliance with the ordinance.
It's amazing to me that you 'report' on this stuff but never on all of the petty actions of Anna Little and her camp.
Send me something verifiable and I will.
Mark- You think the Gooch camp are lowly oppotunists- What do you call Pallone and Little (via her agent Art Gallagher) in requesting Police records.
And you can be sure they will sink even lower before June 8th- becuase they are desperate.
Words that you will NOT hear from Anna little are " I have never represented an Illegal Alien"
And either the Police are taking down campaign signs or else Little is engaging in petty road sign theft. Little is also putting Little signs in front of Gooch signs- Thats petty
good stuff.. whatever finally transpires on June 8, I think it's fair to say the Gooch gang had to have grown up a tad, at least..if they win, they'll sure need it, when the Pallonites get going on poor Diane...have been saying all along, the only way Diane wins either election, is to send her to Europe or the Hamptons, or wherever she'd "rather be", and let the tv ads and fliers simply sell anti-incumbency in 2010!!..
I believe it's a contradiction to say you are for the " Arizona Laws " but at the same time be a leagal representative for immigrants. This is what I call Grandstanding, taking advantage of the emotions of the biggest story in the country, just my person opion.
I have met both ladies running in this district, and I think they are both classy and likable. They have both stayed clean, and chosen not to attack each other. I commend both for being good Republicans in this regard. Its unfortunate if some supporters have taken it upon themselves to start issues. I hope this doesn't hurt either candidate.. and I hope they don't take any actions or say something that will give ammo to the Dems come November.. Lets stick to where they stand on the issues, and let the best candidate win based on that.
personally, it's the immigrants who DON'T want to get a lawyer to get to correctly stay here and become taxpaying citizens, that worry me!.. ask the poor folks who can't leave their homes on the southern border, for fear of them being just occupied/confiscated by criminals and dope dealers, when they get back??..can you not see/feel the outrage?.. it's insane, and am glad there is a bright person here who can speak their language to tell them the right way to be here, that is nothing but a plus, for heaven's sake!
To the anonymous squirrel who who commented to me:Gooch is a johnny come lately obviously trying to take advantage of the anti-incumbent sentimemt. Little has been in politics as an independent thinking GOP woaman for years. Pallone can't be an opportunist because he is the office holder.
So far both GOP candiates have been restrained in attacks on each other and both deserve applause for that.
The sign comment is juvenile and a non-issue. Quick, grab a dictionary and thesauras to concoct another inane reply.
Mark, I don't even know if it's anti-incumbency that motivates Diane: it has to be more her hubby, who wishes he could run,( I assume he is a citizen long enough?), who maybe is getting back at Frank's votes to over-regulate where he made his money, after so many years of supporting him.. until then, maybe Mickey was apparently, from his donation records, more aligned politically with Frank than even Diane, who's on the books as giving to R's, but really was never seen in any political circles/campaigns, until just this cycle.. whatever, to me,they are, by this fake-run, short-changing the working stiffs who've suffered from the Pallones of this world, for far too long!..
Take a Look; Interesting angle I did not consider myself, touche'.
How is asking what Anna Little does in her law practice a slam on her? I saw the link to her website the other day and checked it out. There is no mention of her representing only legal, documented immigrants. I think the voting public has a right to know just who they're voting for. If Anna only works with legals, good for her - she's helping people attain the American dream - but if not, well. . . It's just funny to see people slam Gooche because she has earned money but no one can ask what Anna does. Grow some thicker skin, people.
Just remember, Diane gave $2400 to Frank only 14 months ago.
Ask yourself...why?
The Gooch for Congress campaign literally represents everything that is wrong with American politics today all nicely rolled into one completely undeserving and unqualified candidate.
That's why this race is so important. It's business as usual v. a new way forward.
I'm telling you, Diane got bullied into this race by some illicit Mickey/Frank deal. One day the facts will come out.
How is asking what Anna Little does in her law practice a slam on her? I saw the link to her website the other day and checked it out. There is no mention of her representing only legal, documented immigrants. I think the voting public has a right to know just who they're voting for. If Anna only works with legals, good for her - she's helping people attain the American dream - but if not, well. . . It's just funny to see people slam Gooche because she has earned money but no one can ask what Anna does. Grow some thicker skin, people.
Of course she represents illegals. Well, I don't know for a fact, but I would assume so and hope so.
This is America. There is due process even for illegals. I suppose you have a problem with criminal defense attorneys because they represent criminals.
Just be straight about what your trying to do, Joe, et al. You're trying to taint Little as soft on illegal immirgration because she is an immigration attorney and dare I say because some, maybe even most, of her clients speak a different language that you, and the people you think your message will appeal to do.
That's not what he's trying to do...he's trying to show you what a hypocrite Anna Little is. Art do you really think that these tea party supporters think that illegal immigrants should have due process???
You are dealing with a bunch of neo-cons that have taken over your blog and Anna's campaign. There is no shot of Little winning against Pallone. NONE. Look at the district, the only way to win in 6 is to be moderate, otherwise Frank gets 2 more years.
"Due process?" I am tired of my tax dollars being spent on trials and court proceedings for people who should not be here in the first place. Anyhow, lemme ask this question, which I saw on another blog and went unanswered... If past candidates for office have had to drop-out of a race in embarassment from hiring illegals to cut their grass, how is it going to come off if Anna represents illegals and tries to prevent their deportation? This is a legit question that voters have a right to have answered.
The Little side make baseless accusations of campaign contributions for endorsements- and slags off Gooch with ludicrous conclusions of collusion between Gooch and Pallone.
Its laughable- And since the Tea Party and Little go on about the Founding Fathers- isn't someone like Gooch exactly who the Founding Fathers had in mind for Congress.
Why does being a lawyer and a career politician make Little so qualified- we have enough lawyers in Washington already.
And of course she represents illegals- she does work on deportation cases- who do you think are being deported?
It's amazing how many idiots can't make the difference between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants. it's the same difference as between buyers in a store, and thieves. Tying Anna Little to illegal immigration is like saying Diane Gooch is Bernie Madoff
Anon 3:47 said "The Little side make baseless accusations of campaign contributions for endorsements"
Not baseless I have personally spoken to republican municipal officials who have confirmed it.
First Anna has made it clear to the tea party groups what she does for a living. in fact she has made it clear to everyone.
Immigration attornies also represent companies and legal immigrants and people seeeking asylum
second Pallone can not attack her for that . he can and will attack Gooch on how she made her money
You're trying to taint Little as soft on illegal immirgration because she is an immigration attorney
I'll say it again as if someday what I say will matter. As was my experience when running, people will chose one issue, that to be honest isn't an issue that a single congressman/woman is going to have a significant impact on anyhow, and use that one issue as an excuse why "we may as well stick with Pallone!".
The way "our system works!" - I feel reasonably confident in stating that Little and Gooch would be making the EXACT same votes for the next two years, straight down the party lines. The only question that should matter is which of the two has what it takes to reach out to enough voters in November? And I'll say this again, and again, Anna Little is (at least giving the appearance of) reaching out to voters at every possible opportunity and not just relying on money/ads and the party line, which isn't enough to unseat Pallone.
Anon 3.47- You are a liar- plain and simple-
And to anon 9.17 Frank doesn't give a crap about Little other than hoping she wins the primary- he won't need to attack Little- becuase she can't and won't win.
little is so behind its a joke- This Art Gallagher-Tea Party-circle jerk website is going to get get embarrassed on June 8th.
All you guys have left is outright lies-like that of anon 3.47- Totally Pathetic
Its amusing to engage you guys- but just laughable
"Look at the district, the only way to win in 6 is to be moderate, otherwise Frank gets 2 more years."
So much stupidity, so little time.
Yeh, look at the district, it is comprised of Monmouth County who will vote for Anna by a 2 to 1 margin and a bunch of out-of-work, pissed off unaffiliated/democratic tea party voters in Middlesex. First of all, they'll put Anna over the top. Second of all, if they don't because idiots like the Gooch plants on this site vote the wrong way while lusting after a photo-op with Diane "the nude sunbather" Gooch, if Gooch wins they stay home in November and Frank wins again.
Great plan GOP!
You're an idiot. Period. The only person with a shot to beat Pallone is Anna and that is literally an undeniable fact. Slobber some more over the 51 year old Diane.
Yeh...she's 9 years older than Anna. Ask some more questions...was there even a "computer science" associates diploma at Suffolk in 1982? Was the PC even invented yet? Her candidacy, and increasingly her carefully cultivated "life story", is a complete fraud from start to finish.
You Gooch zombies are pathetic of the highest order.
"isn't someone like Gooch exactly who the Founding Fathers had in mind for Congress."
She could not be further from who the founders had in mind if she were from Mars. That is one of the dumbest things I've ever read on any blog anywhere...ever.
Ask Diane how that 12 million dollar yacht makes her "of the people". Ask Diane how her having illegal immigrants manicure her 8.5 acre mini-castle in Rumson makes her "for the people" (and ask General Dawkins why she took him all the way to Supreme Court over a barn in his backyard). Ask Diane how her shyster husband who makes 1.85 million a year (with a whole lot of questionable deals going on) makes her "by the people".
You are one of the stupidest human beings on the planet dude. Congratulations.
Anon 1.24
You would appear to be another economic class warfare socialist posing as a Republican-
You are wrong on all counts- Blithley spewing out garbage. Is that the best the Little camp has?
Of course there was computer science in 1982- You are the moron. But so what? Just becuase you couldn't make millions given that you started with more or the same as either Gooch- you are jealous
At least Reaganomics gave the Gooch family oppotunity to achieve what people fight for in the USA- Success. But as a fake Republican you pull that down-
Of course the Gooches don't have illegal immigrants working for them. But you just take an unsubstantiated piece of garbage and throw it out there. That is a sign of weakness
The only person in this race directly working with or for illegal immigrants is Little. And she will not deny it, thats for sure.
And the other crap you put out there just shows how your campiagn has its head up its ass- how ridiculous and stupid. You embarrass the Little campaign.
"Ask Diane how that 12 million dollar yacht makes her "of the people"."
This is how the whole debate started. I, the aforementioned "Joe," questioned on another blog how TEA party conservatives could play the Alinsky, class warfare, wealth-is-bad game. I thought the purpose of free markets and liberty and prosperity was to pursue policies that produce wealth, not to impugn those who create jobs and wealth.
I then went on to question how tea party activists could endorse any candidate for their social conservative positions when TEA stands for "Taxed Enough Already" and was supposed to be a movement about fiscal responsisbility, taxes and spending; stating that moving the TEA movement to social conservitism would push the movement to the fringes instead of the mainstream. Further, I posited, a 6-year politician who is also an attorney is not an outsider.
Then I felt bad about painting lawyers in a negative light because there are many, many gerat attorneys who do good work. So I decided to find out what kind of law Anna Little practiceed and simply googled her name. In less than a second, Google produced Anna's website. That was it. Then I posted a link to her website on that other blog and asked what it is that she does "defending immigrants from deportation."
That's all. No petitioning for police reports or public records. No stealing signs. No underhanded spying or picking through her garbage or following her around. It was a simple question. And some TEA Party leaders have commended me, stating that, and I quote, "I am proud to be associated with folks such as yourself. The only way we will take back Congress and save our country is if we become informed, ask (the difficult) questions (as you have!)." Of course, the quoted tea party leader states that Anna does not support amnesty and that there are thousands of legitimate claimants whom immigration attorneys represtent, but he never says that Anna never represented and illegal. In fact, no one has. And Art Gallagher, host of this site, goes further stating that Anna should, if she hasn't already, represent them.
So how does that make me that bad guy here? All I did was ask a question. Doesn't Glenn beck always say, "Question with boldness?" I didn't even need boldness, all I needed was Anna Little's website! No lies, no deception, just her own site, which has seemingly vaoporized into cyberspace.
I doubt you are correct that Anna and Gooch would vote exactly alike if elected. Anna is a conviction politician she will vote for what she beleives is right.
Dianne Gooch will based on political expediancy.
Anna Little is a conservative
Diane Gooch is limosine liberal
I can promise you they would have widely divergent voting records.
I do not think anyone has attacked Gooch because of her wealth.
I think we have pointed out that Pallone will attack her based on her wealth and probably successfully so. that certainly is a legit debate in a primary.
As far as what Anna does for a living, she has been quite open about it from day one. she even states it on her campaign website so to all of a sudden pretend it is a revelation so that she can be attacked as soft on immigration, which if you listen to what she says she most certainly is not, is a sleazy campaign tactic that reeks of deperation.
Who would know more then an immigration attorney7 about what is wrong with the system.
"Of course the Gooches don't have illegal immigrants working for them."
Uh...yeh, they do. It's a big house on River can't miss it.
Here is the FUNNY PART.
If you read Anna's website you can tell exactly where she stands on the immigration issue and what she thinks should be done.
You read Goochs website and you have no idea what her position is on the issue
"You read Goochs website and you have no idea what her position is on the issue"
That's because she doesn't have any positions on the issues. She will do as she's told.
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