“Diane's positions, energy and grassroots support are exactly what we need to defeat Frank Pallone”
Red Bank, NJ: Diane Gooch is continuing to spread a message of smaller government and lower taxes that is resonating throughout the 6th district. Gooch has already received support from Keansburg, Keyport, Matawan and Aberdeen, and now the Monmouth County Republican Vice Chair and small business owner has picked up endorsements from the Mayor and Republican members of council in Hazlet.
Mayor Scott Aagre, Deputy Mayor David Tinker and Committeeman James Brady announced today their support for Gooch. “Diane's positions, energy and grassroots support are exactly what we need to defeat Frank Pallone in November. She is dedicated to cutting the bloated federal government and lessening the burden on the tax payers; we look forward to supporting Diane now and in November.”
The 6th district covers portions of Middlesex, Monmouth, Somerset and Union counties.
Biden Wanted to Save Assad
13 hours ago
lazy press releases.. all sounding awfully amateurish/ vanilla..the Vice Chair reference, really, ought to go, is of zero consequence.. better she be called a payer of a large amount of taxes!..so,how many votes is that for you?..how's the count, going, anyone know??..would someone with no agenda PLEASE do a poll for us?
Ummm....support from whom??? The People? I think not. The "people" support Anna Little. Why don't you ask "the PEOPLE"
More campaign contributions by the Gooch's, now in Hazlet. What I would like to know is who, behind the scenes, is orchestrating this political "Pay to Play" sellout of the constituents in the the 6th CD. Someone associated with the Gooch's and the GOP establishment is making calls, soliciting support and directing the campaign where to send the checks. Shame on you GOP establishment. It was this kind of baloney that allowed BHO to walk in the door with other elected radicals.....and you don't stop.
shhhh- this is my point:if you add up these on-record "officials", and even a spouse or two, my guess is, it's all for-show,(and, insurance for future town campaign donations from the checkbook,if she makes it on the 8th), and likely does not amount to near the "real" voters, who say/seem actually inspired, this go-round..(IF they turn out, as they say they will, that is!)..
Anna winning on June 8 will do a lot to change many ways of doing business, and that's the truth..is yet another reason to shake up and drag in some "new" R registrants, folks who never declared before, that day!.. may the 6th towns' election board workers run out of "R" pads!!!.. this is our mission..but, be sure to tell reluctant ones they have to play the game this year, if they want this to happen, and they can do a"change back," later on, if their mail gets too heavy from the party!!!
Anyone I am talking to knows and loves Anna Little. I only hear people talking about Anna even though there are hundreds of those blah Gooch signs all over the road.
You must not be talking to too many people, because I live in Middlesex County and no one knows who she even is.
"You must not be talking to too many people, because I live in Middlesex County and no one knows who she even is"
Well that's a lie. I know for a fact that well over 5000 pieces of literature have been personally handed out in Middlesex and obviously the Gooch people know it because the first signs just popped up yesterday.
Once again, she's running scared.
Peter Carton promised Scott donations for his re-election this year from Mickey and Diane....Scott is only doing this because he wants to get re-elected and remain mayor. Dems have a shot at control this year.
You Little zombies are soooo boring
and, you Goochies are plain scary..we're all entitled to our opinions!
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