Sunday, August 08, 2010

Monmouth Gala Recap

By Joe Schilp, cross posted from More Middlesex Musings

Thursday evening I attended the Monmouth County Republican Organization Annual Gala. The featured speaker was Governor Chris Christie, who was joined by Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno. This marked the fourth time I'd seen him address a crowd in the last 2 months. I was impressed, once again, with his ability to address a crowd with no notes whatsoever - and he never delivers the same speech!

The event was held at Red Bank's Molly Pitcher Inn, which overlooks the Navasink River and was attended by roughly 400 Republicans.

Of note to Middlesex County residents, Christie said that this is the year to defeat Democrats in Monmouth (and Middlesex) County, notably Congressmen Rush Holt (12) and Frank Pallone (6). Christie wholeheartedly endorsed Scott Sipprelle and Anna Little, remarking, "There's no one I'd like to see lose more than Frank Pallone."

I couldn't agree more with you, Governor!


be a part of the BIG WIN said...

it was a good event, some 400 showed, Gov. said the right things, but WAY too hot, and food a bit sparse..where's your photos, Art??

Michael said...

I agree with "BIG WIN"s comments, and I know Art has a large number of pics from that night (because I took them and sent them to him), but I also know that his HD is filling up (he told me personally), so he is prob juggling his disk space to get them up. I'll wait a few days, and if no pics, send him a reminder via personal email :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

Great event. Big turnout. Panorominc backdrop. Kudos to Christine Hanlon, Esq and Mayor George Newberry the gala co-chairs! Evening was a huge success and bodes well for November 2nd.