MoreMonmouthMusings is proud to announce the addition of the blogger known as "Frederick R. Lehlbach" to our growing contingent of contributors.
Blogging under a nom de plume has been something of a tradition in Monmouth County and New Jersey. I started this blog writing as "William H. Seward," "Honest Abe's" Secretary of State. I had a whole cast of characters that commented on this blog and others back in 2006 and 2007 that became known as "The Seward Authority." Check it out, it's all still in the archives.
Some people still think this of this blog as my folly.
With the recent retirement of Politickernj founder "Wally Edge", who was so good at writing under a pen name that the main stream media eventually embraced and protected him, prominent anonymous blogging was on the verge of extinction. MMM, through Lehlbach, will join TheStateNJ in keeping the tradition alive.
As MMM prepares to enter its next chapter, we are proud to embrace our past and keep a tradition going.
The real Frederick R. Lehlback was the first Republican Congressman from New Jersey's 12th congressional district. He represented the 10th district from 1915-1933, and was redistricted into the 12th serving from 1933-1937. His uncle Herman Lehlbach represented the 6th district from 1885-1891.
We thought about using Robert W. Kean as the nom de plume. Kean represented the 12th from 1939-1959. However, Lehlback was the first Republican and if he has any living relatives who are former Governors or current Senate Minority Leaders that we might offend, we don't know about them or care.
The modern day Lehlback has a special love for CD-12. He or she will be examining Rush Holt's record and probably giving Rhoda Chodosh a run for her money for the title of "Rush's worst nightmare not named Scott Sipprelle."
No doubt there will be detractors and those critical of anonymous blogging, just as there was when William H Seward endorsed Anna Little for Freeholder in 2006. Those of you who feel that way should feel free to rant in the comments. It won't make any difference, but the whines will be fun to read.
The rest of us can look forward to Fred's first post sometime in the next few days.
The Upside Of A Terminal Illness
20 hours ago
Dan Gallic blogging again????
ahh how far you've come Arthur...
I love this post lol!
ahh how far you've come Arthur...
I love this post lol!
I know Vic Scudiery better now than when I wrote that. Lenny got a raw deal, but I'm pretty sure all concerned are over it.
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