His methods are maddening and his wit is warped. But, Monmouth GOP Chairman Adam Puharic was right about the need for another candidate to enter the race for the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate.
As Eric Sedler at Red Jersey points out, Joe Pennacchio's Nationalist Agenda gives Frank Lautenberg more than enough material to destroy Pennacchio with in the general election. Pennacchio could counter with "Yeah, I wrote those things, but Lautenberg said he would bring home tax dollars and he didn't." That won't play. I can envision a Lautenberg ad depicting homeless internment camps that will scare the bejesus out of voters during a tanking economy.
Murray Sabrin's message is Ron Paul's message. I like it, as I think most conservatives probably do, except for foreign policy. He is too extreme to be a factor in the general election. I gave Sabrin money in January because I thought his message was important. I am disappointed that he has gotten more attention by calling for the resignations of other Republicans than he has in spreading his small government message. I won't be giving him any more money. I'm afraid he might call on John McCain to withdraw from the Presidential race and resign his U.S. Senate seat.
NJGOP Chair Tom Wilson needs to get someone to step up and take one for the team. Joe Kyrillos, Kip Bateman, Bill Baroni, Doug Forrester, John Murphy, Bret Schundler, Steve Forbes, Kate Whitman, Tom Kean Sr., and Tom Kean Jr. are a few names that come to mind.
McCain has a shot to win New Jersey, especially if Obama is the Democratic nominee for President. Extreme weakness in the Senate slot will hurt those chances. We can't have a nut like Sabrin, or a former nut like Pennacchio, as the Senate candidate.
Righteous Attacks Bringing the Left to Heel
16 hours ago
It would be quite ironic if Tom Kean Jr. got into the race after Pennacchio took a cheap shot at him in '06 over "The Sopranos" spoof ad that Kean had no control over, insinuating that; "Kean insulted Italian-Ammericans" in some lame attempt to score political points for himself.
That was the point where I found Pennacchio to be a pretty slimy individual.
It would be a fitting tale of what goes around, comes around in my estimation.
I doubt he would do it but I'm just throwing it out there as you are.
WTF Dino,
Kean was his own worst enemy. You don't need to look any further than his own words and his own campaign team to figure out why he lost.
Pennacchio actually stepped aside allowing Jr. to run unopposed in the primary. That was a generous and party-building move on his part. Has Jr. even attempted to support Joe is any way? I say he hasn't and that is truly unfortunate.
If you're going to criticize Murray Sabrin, you should probably resign now because it's just a matter of time before he demands it.
I think Sabrin's strategy is to get everyone higher up on the food chain to resign so he can eventually become President.
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