Friday, November 21, 2008

Asbury Park Press to Monmouth Dems: "You have no mandate"

Well how do you like that.

This morning the Asbury Park Press editorial board basically called Amy Mallet's election to the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders a lucky break and warned the Democrats against making wholesale changes.

On Mallet's election, they said,

"Democrat Amy Mallet's margin of victory over Republican John Curley was one-fifth of 1 percent. That hardly suggests county residents were clamoring for change. Mallet's success was due to the coattails of Barack Obama, name recognition gained from her failed 2007 Assembly bid and repeated promises that Democrats would be more fiscally responsible than Republicans."

Two things the APP didn't mention that contributed to Mallet's election; 1) Mallet's pandering to the government employees, a significant voting block, by calling for the Youth Detention Center to stay open regardless of the costs and 2) The GOP's failure to hammer Mallet on her ties to Trenton and Camden Democrats who assumed her six figure debt left over from her 2003 Assembly race.

The GOP lead Freeholder board should have closed the Detention Center on the results of the first study, rather than send it back for "more work" in an effort to avoid political heat. If they had, they could have reduced taxes this year, rather than produce the flat line budget that the voters didn't notice or appreciate. They should close it now before the Democrats take control.

On governing, the APP offers the Dems good advise:

"They should refrain from replacing competent employees and professionals with party hacks.

Democratic freeholders John D'Amico and Barbara McMorrow have worked well with their Republican colleagues on the board this year. If the Democrats want to retain control beyond 2009, they must continue that spirit of bipartisanship. If they regard this election as a long-awaited opportunity to divvy up the political swag, their control of the board could prove short-lived."

This will be easier said than done. After 23 years, there are plenty of Democratic supporters chomping at the bit for jobs. Local Democrats should get those jobs if qualified. A larger concern are the Trenton, Camden and Union County Dems who have lusted after Monmouth County tax dollars for a long time.

The Monmouth County Democrats have promised to be more fiscally responsible than the Republicans have been. They've promised to reduce spending and taxes. I hope they do it and I hope they keep the out of county bosses and trough swillers out of county.


Anonymous said...

HA HA HA, oh now the APP should be listened too and quoted. Please the press just loves to pontificate. But according to the GOP bosses on this blog recently "it is fine to 'legally' hire your friends once you control the government."
Guess that only applied when Burry was in control.
Needless to say I will demand the dems cut taxes and not hire cronies like the GOP did. It would be just as wrong, but until the elected officials know they will lose power if they are corrupt nothing will change. Let us see if the dems learned from Burry's failures.

Son of Liberty said...

The APP cracks me up.
They don't care about either party they just like to think they are relevant and sell newspapers.

the inside airbather said...

U think Purcell is chomping at the bit for the public info job? is he one of the local Democrats who should get a job?



Anonymous said...

tail still between legs

Anonymous said...

whoa- what IS it with that Burry-hater who can't stop?.. just because she was Director for a year, you transfer over your old "Harry-hatred"?.. what did she ever do to you, or did you not get, like Kamin?..the lady frankly did an admirable job in her first term and this year, very sincere and classy, and someone to be proud of, with the interests of the taxpayers honestly uppermost in mind..if you're a Republican, this is part of our problem these past few years.. needs to end, if we're ever to get back..there's lots of honest work to do, not for the selfish or the lazy or faint-hearted or weak,either!..anyone wishing to help or thinks they can do better really needs to contact the chair and jump in there..

Anonymous said...

The director was mediocre to be generous. The idea that government and politicians have nothing we want or need is sad. Clearly some live to swill in the trough but must of us do much better in private life not having to depend on government appointments. This mind set that anyone who dares to say the Emperor/Empress has no clothes must be someone who did not get something is why the GOP is now the minority. The dems are much better at this game then the GOP, so unless we roll out better elected officials it is over. You can like Director Burry, but she has not advanced the party as the highest County wide elected official. Simple as that, the dems now run Monmouth.