Monday, February 22, 2010

"Someone Else" Wins The MMM Freeholder Poll, Round 1

"Someone Else" maintained the lead throughout the first MMM GOP Freeholder candidate poll and won with a commanding 29% of the votes.

Anna Little held her lead among the named contenders with 16%. A late surge by Thomas Arnone (15%) knocked Serena DiMaso below the 10% threshold for entry into the follow up poll. Little and Arnone join Joe DiBella and Tom Wilkens as survivors of round 1.

The "Someone Elses" entered in round two are Grace Cangemi, Christine Hanlon and Barbara Ruane.

Pamela Brightbill, a "Someone Else" mentioned to challenge Amy Mallet next year, is not in this poll. Mike Halfacre, a congressional candidate, James Hogan and yours truly round out the field of "Someone Elses" mentioned but not entered in round 2. On behalf of James Hogan and myself, thank you to those you mentioned us. On behalf of Halfacre, GF.....never mind.

Round two ends on March 1 at 7:25 PM.

In other news, with 11 hours to go, Kyrillos has a commanding lead in the "Who will Governor Christie appoint to the US Senate in the event of a vacancy?" poll.


Anonymous said...

it would be very unfair to run volunteer Hanlon with Clifton.. she's the only one with zero elective or community service..all the others on this list,do..we still don't know the actual sheriff candidate for each side,either, and how strong they will prove to be...predicting this year will not be as easy as one would think on the county level..

Anonymous said...

How uninformed. Ms Hanlon is the only name who has actually run county wide. As republican state committeewoman her name was on the ballot in the 53 municipalities in Monmouth county. FYI, she won with highest number of votes. She is also municipal chair in her town.
If you have something postive to say about one of the other candidates would like to hear it. Make your case.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if being Republican State Committeewoman is the real test of electability. I mean truly, John Bennett got elected State Committeman by almost the same number of votes maybe we should run him. If being honest is what people really want then let's, Hanlon is a wonderful volunteer coordinator,and an even better friend to the Chairman. Fast tracking a personal friend will split this party A good Republican Team Player would wait their turn and stop throwing their name into every race.
Hey here's one, is her name being mentioned for the June Chairman's Election? Just asking

Anonymous said...

You missed the point. Make your case for one of the other names. I think it was committewoman, municipal chair, county coordinator for Christie/Guadagno(huge win in Monmouth) and county coordinator McCain/Palin. Well know througout county. What have you done lately?

Anonymous said...

Claws down girls- why not think of someone who will unite us and not start this types of ugly debate, although I did chuckle at the John Bennett reference. I think Tom Arnone would be a GREAT candidate and compliment Clifton and to make everyone happy Christine can coordinate their campaign.

Anonymous said...

Short, sweet, but weak.

Anonymous said...

Whats Arnone's background and work experience/Education ?

Anonymous said...

I would list being a partisan county committee person above being a prior elected official as my top ten reasons not to vote for someone. Being a prior muni chair eliminates anyone from the running in my mind. We need people from outside the politicial machine to fix the problem we face, not more poltical hacks.

Anonymous said...

All of them excellent. Young, bright and articulate. They represent the future of our party. Great contrast with Director fossil from Colts Neck

Anonymous said...

We need people from outside the politicial machine to fix the problem we face, not more poltical hacks.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010 10:05:00 AM

Then you would eliminate anyone who has held office before? All elected officials run on a party line and by your reasoning would be "party hacks".

Anonymous said...

I find the biggest problem I have in picking a candidate is that the 90% of the time the better I know them the more I dislike them and as I get older it is harder to find ones I don't know

Anonymous said...

I think you are so right and agree with your term as "hacks". Many are self serving politicians looking to stay in the pension system.

Anonymous said...

to 11:08. Oh God yes. Nobody should serve more then 1-2 term at any level. Beyond that they become party of the problem, entrenched politicians. If someone is mayor, then wants to run for Freeholder, or is State leg, then congress that is fine 1-2 terms at each seat max. Serve in public office not more then 6-10 year max then walk away let others do the work, FYI it is not that hard or challenging, the hard part is prying the corrupt politicians out of their lucrative seats. The only people that think more time in politics is good are party hacks.

Anonymous said...

"the hard part is prying the corrupt politicians out of their lucrative seats."

Don't the Freeholders make less than $30K a year with no benefits? Hardly lucrative.

Anonymous said...

Yes hardly lucrative but again, time of service in the pension system is the "secret" goal of the NJ politicians. Then they do a high paying job for 3 years and cash in that amount to base the pesnion on. Its the "dirty little secret"

Anonymous said...

to 1:03 are you serious? The ones who hang around for years appoint friends who then hire their relatives, or after they leave office they get their favors returned by being hired by a firm and then call in favors to get that law firm or engineering firm more contracts. Are you really that naive, or do you really beleive the public doesn't know the deal? Also 30k a year for showing up for a few hours one day a week is not a bad deal. Wonder if there is a pension afterwords, or do they just get appointed to some MUA to take another do nothing salary?

Anonymous said...

sorry, nice try with the so-called, "county-wide" vote: FACTS are pesky little things: in Primary, 2009, on the Rep. line for state committee, there was ONE male and ONE female running, for registered R's to vote for.. out of the 92,085 Registered R's that COULD vote that day, 33.5% of them , or 30,844, bothered to come out..Hanlon scored 22,060, Bennett,21,057..face it,ANY R would've been nominated for those two party seats! wasn't unanymous, some 115 wrote-in somebody else.. this is hardly comparable to ANY other real office, which is open to ALL registered voters, heck, even a low-turnout schoolboard election is open to all registered voters.. if I'm the Dems, I'm laughing at that assertion of being a "proven vote-getter!"..stretching the truth gets found out and mocked, and the person loses more credibility..sorry again, she's been a chair for about 10 minutes, how many successful, local candidates that she's run/supported in a non-partisan town, have WON under her leadership??.. just askin'!.. titles are fine, and volunteering is totally commendable, but it in no way compares with having people of all parties putting you into elective office..Wilkens, super!.. Ruane-a diamond yet undiscovered!.. Arnone, successful,small businessman, three-term R, re-elected in a blue-collar town!!, now,there ya go with more credible, electable people, in 2010!....

Anonymous said...

Arnone: successful small businessperson, 3-time winner as an R in a blue-collar town, very well-known and liked all over the shore, getting around to meet the rest who will have the vote..agree with 6:36 that some people want everything, too fast..gets a bit old and almost desperately creepy, to tell the truth

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
sorry, nice try with the so-called, "county-wide" vote: FACTS are pesky little things: in Primary,"

Gerri, sense a lot of bitterness in your posts. Your Hall of Records crew needs to stop being so negative. Any of R candidates are better then D'Amico. If we are successful this year maybe you'll get to hang around for a few more years to top off your pension.

Anonymous said...

well, if anybody thinks Flippy D'Amico's easy to beat with just anyone, ok, it has happened before,but might not this year..given such nice,sincere, and qualified people to choose from, some people may just want the strongest,proven winners on their ticket..while some people hope for "squeaking by", sandwiched in- between,that's nothing new,happens..a win's a win, and we need three this year, on county level..don't fight kiddies, focus, and good luck to all!!..

Anonymous said...

hey Art, as a successful business guy yourself,whatever are we going to do with those who happen to work hard for a public pension, vs. those who either choose not to work for the public, and/or those who wish they could, and just seem to continually spew their: hatred? jealousy?- upon those who do??..almost sounds like some of the same dumbos from the local rag's blog, and sounds like there's quite some "bitterness" on both sides of the great "paycheck-divide",instead of what some thought was intended by the blog owner, to be the airing of honest, personal opinions,as to just who may be a better "sell" as a 2010 Republican candidate!..chill children, and go get your fav to announce!!

Gerri said...

Thanks,9:19, for all that kind "credit" on your post, but it so happens that I'll be fortunate to be a around whether we win this year, or count better, next time..I don't know your deal or years around,but am confident that if you knew me as well as you seem to think you do, you couldn't name a year in the past 30 or so, in which I personally did not work hard for whomever got on all of our GOP, I'm looking forward to working with you and all good and well-meaning Republicans again this year, for the entire GOP "team"..hope you have a better day, tomorrow..

Anonymous said...

Brightbill.....are you kidding ????
Who you gonna send with her to instuct her on what to say and what to do?????
If that's all the GOP has to offer,shame on you !!!

Anonymous said...

to 7:30..As far as Arnone goes, isnt that a political spin ? A business owner ? yes. but Doesnt he run a lawn mowing business in Neptune City and he ran as mayor of Neptune City unopposed with no competition ? Shouldnt the people of Monmouth County deserve a more highly qualified individual for the job of running our entire county government ? You have to do better than that people.

Anonymous said...

5:58: then you must be one of those "education snobs" some other friends here are worrying about?.. thought potential candidates working in the private sector or being self-employed are so much better than being "political hacks": so, which is it, folks? for running unopposed, does that not indicate a person is liked in his town and people feel they're doing a good job?..this is getting hard to follow/reason out: guess we'll have primaries then,if there's not much consensus, and just let the voters who show up in June decide..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No running unopposed does not mean everyone in the town bows to the competition. It means the town is so small that no one else is around to run. These small shore towns like Neptune City and Avon are so tiny with not many people. The mayors often run with no competition. So how could being elected be a positive thing if you are just signing a piece of paper and become a councilaman or mayor ?

Anonymous said...

do you live in a small or large town?.. many of the most contentious races have been fought, door-to-door, neighbor vs. neighbor,in small towns.. Neptune City, and other small County towns, have had their share of tough, tight,partisan races over the years!.. Neptune City, with some 5,000 residents, probably has about 800 registered Dems, about the same of R's, and the rest Independents, and I still maintain that anyone of them could have stepped up, and would have, if unhappy enough with the way the town was run, and challenged their mayor, over the years..that being said, having gotten elected and doing a good job of serving is still a very positive credential, and good training to go for a higher office,especially when we are trying to win TWO Freeholders this year, not one.. it's NOT ok for Flippy to be re-elected, and we need a very strong,proven running mate for Rob,period...