By Carolee Adams, NJ President of the Eagle Forum PAC
With 99% of the Districts reporting, New Jersey’s Tea Party darling, Highlands Mayor and former Monmouth County Freeholder, Anna Little, held a razor-thin lead of 63-votes (6725 v. 6662) over her millionaire opponent, publisher Diane Gooch, in the NJ GOP Primary for CD-6. Provisional ballots must also be counted to determine the official result. Due to the close margin, a recount is likely. Unconfirmed reports indicate that Gooch spent $250,000 on her campaign, ten times more than Little.
The event at the Beacon on the Bay in Anna’s hometown was filled to capacity with the grassroots of political success stories: loyal, hardworking, patriotic, dedicated, and very enthusiastic Little supporters. Endorsed by those such as Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum; Americans for Prosperity NJ Director, Steve Lonegan; New Jersey Right to Life; and an impressive number of tea party groups and others, Anna Little is within a hair’s breath of victory because of one primary reason: Anna Little!
In all the election events I’ve attended since the late 1970s, never has an evening concluded with “God Bless America” sung in the beautiful voice of the candidate. That is, not until tonight. It was a fitting finale for this young woman and conservative’s conservative to end her on-the-ground Primary campaign as she ran it: passionately; sincerely; involved; humbly confident; and definitely in the lead of all that occurred. Look to see this down-home American girl traveling to the big city after she defeats the leftwing, 22-year Democratic incumbent, Rep. Frank Pallone, in November. Washington DC: expect a treat!
Shock, Rattle, and Awe
12 hours ago
Does anyone know which precinct hasn't reported yet in the 6th district and why, the afternoon after the election is over, this precinct hasn't reported. Is anyone nervous about this Texas/Massachusetts style inability to report until they know how many votes they need?
I talked with the Clerk in Monmouth. All precincts are in. That is a Glitch with the site.
The singing of God Bless America after such an awesome American experience was something I will never, ever forget. This is what America is all about. Anna handled this so gracefully and professionally. I was proud to be a part of it
amazing night, amazing steadiness and control on the part of the candidate:she was on top of it all, reading the numbers, taking phone calls, hugging, thanking, and re-assuring supporters, making periodic updates: it was quite remarkable,she totally steered that ship, have seen many guys freak out in such a situation, in the past.. obviously, a committed and sincere crowd, dying just for the prize of victory, not self-aggrandizement,for all their uphill work,the whole effort was really an unusual and amazing feat ..obviously, a woman who was born to do this.. hope it hangs in..also, I wish the God Bless America singing had been broadcast for all to see: the other team would not have thought of it: they are far too "cool" for that, which helps to illustrate the difference.... best of luck in the coming days, "Congresswoman Little"!
It's the 14th District of Ocean Township.
That is the lady in Anna. She plays by the rules, she listens to the people and is as you say graceful and professional. The music that played last night for the vent was truely great! Not loud and noisey - pleasant and professional. Where did they come from?
Anna Little is the candidate and I am happy I voted for her. HOpe you are also and will support her in November!!
I urge everyone to cantact State SWenator Jor Kyrillos and urge him to convince his friend Diane Gooch to concede. For the good of the partyu
His contact info is.
Phone: 732-671-320
Fax: 732-706-9140
One Arin Park Building
1715 Highway 35
Suite 303
Middletown, NJ 07748
I'm glad you liked the music, the singer is my part-time employee, and I had no idea so far that she's such a big Anna Little supporter! (though she never minded Anna's stickers around the office).
Just sent an email!
Barack Obama will ask Sarah Palin to be his VP next time, before Joe Kyrillos would do ANYthing that would stop his plans to run for US Senate, or do ANYthing that does not benefit Joe Kyrillos.. what a continuing disappointment he rapidly becomes, as each year goes by!!
Barack Obama will take Sarah Palin as his VP next time, before Joe Kyrillos does ANYthing to derail his plans to run for US Senate..a continuing disappointment,and more so each year, that guy!
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