Liberal blogger Middletown Mike is trying to make a name for himself on MoreMonmouth Musings coattails. That's OK with me. He is not the first and he won't be the last.
I am actually pleased that Mike is the first one, except the commenters on this blog, to publicly address my posts about race; Nigger Nuts, Let's talk about race relations and What does the N-Word mean. From what I've experienced and heard second hand, the posts have caused a stir amongst both white and black readers. Good, they were supposed to.
Mike says my posts were clumsy and offensive. I have no problem with that. They apparently were also effective. I don't do this full time and I don't get paid for it. That's not a justification. It is just what is so. I am sometimes intentionally offensive, as it gets attention. Clumsy, OK. I'm not an academic like the PhD, RiseUp's Founder and Publisher, Janice S. Ellis, Mike says I should have emulated. My readers wouldn't read Dr. Janice. This is a hot topic. If I had written about it in a scholarly way, the conversation would already be over and it would have made no difference.
I've been called a retard and a terrorist. Call me clumsy and offensive. Heck call me a nigger if you want to. Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me. They actually increase readership.
Mike says I am trying to introduce the word "nigger" back into our lexicon. I am not. Jesse Jackson already did that. I want to have a dialogue and foster more understanding between the races. My point of view has been honestly, if not clumsily expressed. I'm willing to listen and engage, as I believe my readers are.
I didn't personally attack or demean anyone in my posts,except maybe the fat chick on The View, but that is OK, because, like Mike, I am fat. I provoked a discussion that needs to be had. My critics say I did so in an offensive way. So what? I started it and now they are talking about it. It needs to be talked about. Otherwise we will keep avoiding the topic. I have not tried to justify it, as Mike says, nor do I now. The conversation has started, let's keep it going.
I wrote about what Jesse Jackson said. Personally, I would never call anyone a fucking half-breed nigger. Jackson did so, and is getting a pass from most of the media and most of my critics. I can take the criticism. I welcome it. It should have started last week. However, part of the problem is Jessee Jackson getting the pass. I will keep addressing that hypocrisy and others like it when and how I see fit.
Welcome to the top twenty Mike.
It is hypocrisy to a new level Art.
As I commented in another entry, Don Imus was fired for his job, as an entertainer, for making a joke and using the words "nappy headed ho". Jesse Jackson, who is NOT an entertainer and in no way intended to be entertaining, is being given a free ride on the Reading, and collecting his $200, for using the word nigger and suggesting that the nuts of a Senator/Presidential Nominee be removed. Not to mention, while one can question if Imus was being entertaining or not, that is at least the goal of his job. If Imus failed at entertaining, then the people in a free market system would stop listening to Imus and when people stop listening, the advertisers would disappear and when the ad money stopped coming in, CBS would have let the I-Man go. Of course the truth is that people would still be listening to Imus on CBS and there was no real outrage by the public. In the case of Mr. Jackson, he is not, and never was supposed to be entertaining (I still don’t know what his job really is, or if he has a real job for that matter). Mr. Jackson's remarks were intended to be hurtful and harmful NOT to be entertaining.
Additionally, Opie and Anthony were recently (last year?) suspended from their XM Satelite Radio gig for a month because A GUEST described his drunk and idiotic desire to rape Mrs. Rice and/or Mrs. Bush. The insane homeless man described this in an entertaining and non-threatening way. More over, the guest, a homeless man from NYC, was obviously a mental case and would obviously have no access to Mrs. Rice or Mrs. Bush and thus such an act could never occur. On the other hand, Mr. Jackson does have access to Mr. Obama and could indeed follow through with his castration attempt making it somewhat of a legitimate threat, at least a more legitimate threat that the threats of some insane homeless man. I suppose that hateful speech from a “respectable” gentleman like Mr. Jackson calling for the castration of a Senator/Presidential Nominee isn't as bad as hateful speech from a drunken homeless man calling for forced sex with the Sec. of State and/or the first lady? Both seem pretty vulgar to me, but “they” (the media and the “victims”?) handle these cases so different.
I am not fat, but I still call fat people fat. Just because I'm not fat, doesn't mean I can't use the word "fat" when describing fat people. Readers can feel free to extend this logic as they see fit.
This was the first time I have read, or even heard about Middletown Mike.
Interesting blog. Good post on Race.
How come your blog never mentioned the false credentials of Middletown Committee Candidate Fiore. Melissa Gaffney is a frequent guest on More Monmouth Musings, and seems a reliable source.
How do you feel about his lies to not only the republican screening committee, but the residents of Middletown?
Just a question.
Melissa is doing a good job covering Middletown, Fiore, FEMA and just about anything she writes about.
I haven't decided how to handle the Fiore situation here yet.
How come you don't have your own blog?
james hogan said...
I am not fat, but I still call fat people fat. Just because I'm not fat, doesn't mean I can't use the word "fat" when describing fat people. Readers can feel free to extend this logic as they see fit.
True you are not fat, but you are ugly.
Good question Art...I would imagine that my blog would not be half as exciting, or controversial, as say, yours, Barry's or Mike Illions.
I'll leave it to the professionals.
Dear Art Gallagher,
I'm offended and you'll have to be fired from your volunteer "job" of blogging for offending me despite it being my choice to read your blog just as it was my choice to listen to Imus or Opie and Anthony.
Moreover, because I am offended, you'll have to see me in court where I'll be filing a $302 million lawsuit against you. Although you think that $302 million is an arbitrary number, it is not and this amount represents the EXACT calculation of the amount of damage you have done to me. No lower amount is acceptable and a simple apology or retraction is not enough.
Furthermore, you will be required to remove your comment from the internet such that it no longer exists on any server(s), internet caches, archives or backups, even if you don't personally own or have access to the server, cache, archive or backup. Although this seems impossible, I assure you that this step must be taken to avoid future litigation should someone else find out that I am ugly. You will also have to find everyone who might, or might not, have seen your comment and "flash" them with that wand from Men In Black so that they forget just how ugly I am, or I mean how ugly you think I am, again to ensure that no one else finds me to be ugly because of your comments.
Finally, I expect you to personally hand deliver your written apology to all ugly people, like me, who might also be offended by your words, even though your delivery of such an apology letter would imply that you find said recipient to be "ugly" and might cause additional harm.
This litigation and process can be stopped if you allow me take over your blog so that you can cause no further harm to ugly people with your words and I can continue to call people fat from the platform which you have built using your own time, money and effort.
Thank you for your cooperation in settling this ugly matter.
James P. Hogan
Self-Appointed Representative of The Ugly People
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